Reconstructive surgery

Reconstructive Surgery (also called Reconstructive Surgery) is a specific branch within plastic surgery in general. It is performed on abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital, developmental or growth problems, trauma, infection, tumor or disease. It can be done to improve function or also to improve physical appearance.

The main goal of reconstructive surgery is to restore or improve function and physical appearance in various injuries.

Differences between cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery

Cosmetic surgery and reconstructive or reconstructive surgery are parts of plastic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is performed to improve the normal structures of the body with the intention of increasing or improving the attractiveness of the patient and thus raise their self-esteem and only plastic surgeons are officially endorsed to perform cosmetic surgery.

Its purpose is to repair and reconstruct, restore through surgical techniques, the form and function of the affected area, abnormal structures and external parts of the body that due to congenital, developmental or growth causes or as a consequence of scars, trauma, burns, tumors or surgical interventions, are deformed or have been partially or totally lost.

Where is reconstructive surgery applied?

  • In complicated fractures of the craniofacial skeleton
  • In congenital malformations of the craniofacial skeleton and face (lips and cleft palate)
  • In reconstruction of the skin and nerve structures of the face
  • in pressure ulcers
  • in varicose ulcers
  • In burns from direct fire, scald, electricity, chemical, freezing.
  • In reconstruction of soft tissues associated with previous fractures or during orthopedic surgery
  • In hand surgery: post-traumatic reconstruction, reimplantation, correction of congenital defects and degenerative diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.


As with all surgical procedures, there are certain risks and potential complications involved with any such procedure. Infection is one of the biggest complications a patient could experience. Procedures that require large incisions are prone to infection, depending on the patient's own physiology, diligence in taking prescribed anti-infection medication, and the environment in which the patient is recovering. Bruising and swelling are also common risks. Excessive swelling and numerous bruises may indicate a more serious problem and should be brought to the attention of your doctor immediately.

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